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The present pandemic is hitting hard on many businesses, from small to mid-sized companies. The closure rate ranges between 20% to 40% in all regions during May. However, there are still many small business opportunities that you can try for 2020.

3 Surprising Entrepreneurship Opportunities You Didn't Know About

Read on to learn three entrepreneurship opportunities that can lead you to success.

  1. Working From Home

This pandemic caused most of us to stay at home and many small businesses to close down. One of the best ways to improve your entrepreneurship opportunities is by working from home. A popular choice is by getting a freelance job.

Freelancing is an ideal business opportunity that helps with your skills in graphic design, writing, and so on. Another common entrepreneurship opportunity is consulting. Think about the skills you excel in and help yourself and other people who may need help.

You can also try dropshipping, where you sell a manufacturer’s products. It’s a great way to sell a range of different products, from skincare to automotive. There is also print on demand, which lets you design products while the manufacturer sells, packages, and ships for you.

  1. Local Business

One of the most common local opportunities is by becoming a Lyft or Uber driver. If not that, then you can try out being a food deliverer. It’s a great way to start small in your local area while capitalizing on these business opportunities.

Why not try a water bottle production company? Everyone needs it, so everyone will buy it. Check out this popular bottled water production line for sale for inspiration.

If you want to be a business owner, you can also try opening up a food truck. It’s a great start for those who aspire to open up a restaurant. Food trucks allow you to serve your dishes at a lower risk.

  1. Social Media Jobs

Social media is a popular platform that many people use nowadays. As of now, there are about 3.5 billion people who actively use social media. One of the best small business opportunities with social media is becoming an influencer.

If you get a huge social media following, you can pair up with other businesses to promote products. It’s also a chance to try out affiliate marketing. This is when you earn a commission for every sale you bring to a company.

You can do affiliate marketing by promoting their products on your social media pages. It’s also possible to build a blog and run ads with the affiliate link to generate sales. Try to focus on building on one account to make more opportunities come your way.

Entrepreneurship Opportunities You Didn’t Know About

Now is the time to get on board with these entrepreneurship opportunities. Keep in mind that recognizing an opportunity is one essential factor of success. Choose a job from home, local, and online that matches your passion and skills.

We hope you enjoyed our guide on entrepreneurship opportunities! Feel free to explore our collection of guides, tips, and tricks if you need more business information.