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Some family members avoid sending their loved ones to a hospice program because of the implications they feel it gives. Some people are in denial about the health of their family member, while others feel it is best to care for their loved one on their own without the help of an outside service. Because people want to be close to their family members and keep them as comfortable as possible while they struggle with the battle against disease and aging, they avoid sending them into a home or providing them with the care they need to truly be comfortable.

However, there are many benefits to receiving this unique form of medical attention that many people may not realize. Here are five of the advantages to getting your loved one the care they need at the end of their life.

1. 24-hour care
With these programs, the patient has around the clock medical attention. This not only ensures that they are well taken care of, but it takes a significant burden off family members to be available. Instead, families can continue to work their regular jobs and not worry about whether or not the person who is ill is ok.

2. Comprehensive care from many trained professionals
In specialized programs there are a variety of support staff that is available. From physicians to nurses, and even to religious leaders, patients have a well-rounded group of people watching out for them. Specialized needs are also taken into consideration with this staff. For example, for Jewish patients, they can choose to enter a Jewish hospice program to receive specialized meals and access to religious readings and staff.

3. Medical costs covered by medicare
Medicare typically covers a larger portion of the costs associated with this form of medical care, as opposed to expensive repeated trips to the doctor or hospital. In addition, in some cases, prescription costs are reduced as well.

4. No trips to the emergency room
By receiving care at home, it is not uncommon that the patient spends their final months and weeks being shuttled back and forth from the emergency room to their doctor and eventually back to their home. This takes a toll on the patient and does not provide for an enjoyable final period in their life.

5. Counseling services for family members
Once the loved one is deceased, family members are left with a feeling of significant loss. In these cases, having a counseling service available can be extremely beneficial to help overcome grief.

Specialized programs at the end of a person’s life can mean the difference between fear and comfort. With a number of resources available and plenty of medical attention, hospice care can ease fears and make the patient’s final days easier.

Cameron enjoys writing about various topics. One of them happens to be elderly care. If you’d like to learn more about Jewish Hospice Program, please visit