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Jamba juice is considered among the most reputed restaurants where a customer can ask for one or two ounce of wheat grass shot. Wheat grass is known for its antioxidant nature and it drains out the toxins from the body and keeps the balance of the PH level in your body. One ounce to two ounce of Jamba juice wheat grass shots provides the same effect you can get by consuming two and half pounds of green vegetables. You can even move forward on the way of easy weight loss by replacing your unhealthy diet with healthy foods like wheat grass.

Wheat Grass Shots:

Wheat grass is actually the grass of premature wheat plant. Wheat grass shots are produced by juicing the plant before it grows more than four-five inches. When the plant starts to grow it loses the nutrients, hence it is necessary to eat wheat grass in its grass form. However, as it is not always possible to eat raw wheat grass, this is the reason it is often juiced out for drinking. It is beneficial to drink one or two ounce of wheat grass juice daily. You can increase the dosage limit according to the suggestion of your dietician. One must remember that wheat grass extract should be drink within 15 minutes from the time juice is extracted.

Why Wheat Grass Is Found By One Or Two Ounce?

You will always notice that jamba juice wheat grass is sold by one or two ounces and not by any larger amount. This is because one/two ounce of jamba juice wheat grass is similar to 2 and ½ pound of fresh, green vegetables. And the health benefits provided by one and two ounce of wheat grass is more effective than two pound green vegetables can provide. This is quite shocking to people.

Generally, it is enough to drink up to two ounce of jamba juice wheat grass shots. In any case if you want to increase your dosage you need to consult your physician first. Taking wheat grass juices more than the said amount may lead you in an unwanted health disturbances as well as sickness.

An Introduction To Jamba Juice Wheat Grass

How Many Times You Need To Take Wheat Grass In A Day?

People generally take wheat grass juice whenever they feel ill or whet they are coming down with a cold. However, if you want to consume wheat grass extract for any purpose, for e.g. fast weight loss, then you need to maintain a consistency in drinking wheat grass juice. According to the health experts, taking one-two ounce jama juice wheat grass three to five days in a week is ideal for an individual. You can then increase the volume or dosage, if you get effective results.

Health Benefits Of Wheat Grass Shots:

According to the nutritionists, wheat grass contains more than 100 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients. It is rich in chlorophyll and is considered as a good source of vitamin K. It boosts human immune system as it is a powerful antioxidant. It also helps to remove the toxins from our body. Regular drinking of wheat grass shots improves the energy level. However, you should not eat or drink wheat grass food or juice if you are prone to allergy.

Where Can You Get Wheat Grass Other Than Jamba Juice?

As mentioned before Jamba Juice is considered among the few reputed restaurants that provides wheat grass shots. However, you can also find wheat grass at different health spas, and health stores. You can also get wheat grass powder from groceries and can mix it with water to produce juice.

About Author: Elton has been a health writer and editor for 15 years. He has contributed to many national health magazines and websites. He has published several articles on wheat grass shots, jamba juice wheat grass, and other health supplements in his website