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Many people have enjoyed a game of croquet at some point of time. It is one of the best games to be played when you are with you family and wish to have some fun on your lawn or back yard. This is not a new game and the rules too are quite simple. One need not be an ace at any physical aspect to play this game. In fact its roots can be traced way back in the Victorian ages when this game was an important part of the courtship.

It goes way back and can be traced to a European origin. The simple rules make it easy to play the game and even little children can understand them well. Basically the game is all about hitting the balls tactfully in such a way that they pass through the metal rungs. Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it!

Well this is such a simple game but now it is a competition event and people participate in it internationally. There are trophies to be won and so much fame to be achieved via this game. Well, we are talking about small scale games which can be the best entertainment for family picnics.

Basically for the setup one will have an 8-shaped or a diamond shaped place for the game on the court. Some use nine wickets or hops in the whole ground with one on the centre and the others on the four corners. Another post would serve as the end point of the playing course. In the standard conditions of the game the dimensions of the ground goes 100 feet by 50 feet. The wickets are kept approximately 12 – 18 feet away from each other. But when played domestically, the settings of the game can be changed up to a certain extent.


Based on the number of players in a game, one could go for either a team game or a ‘cut throat version’ which means that each player will play individually. Corresponding colors of balls and mallets are selected. As per the rules each time a ball passes through a hoop, an additional stroke is awarded to the player.

It is not just hitting the balls past the rungs as there are a few more challenges. In case you are able to hit another player’s ball then you get another additional stroke. This is called Roqueting.

Like all the other competing games, this one too has a very strong scoring pattern. But the main thing that one should remember that it is played to have fun. Croquet is one such game which can be played by people of all ages. One just needs to have a good company to simply have fun with this game. There are many genuine accessories for the game that is available in the market.

One should make sure that while looking at croquet balls for sale, one should go for the products from reputed manufacturers. These will guarantee that you get the best product for the best price.

About the Author
Joe is a professional croquet player who has been associated with the game since a very early time. He states that one should always look for croquet balls for sale in the markets to end up with the same set of balls. He says wooded balls are better than the plastic ones.