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Becoming eco-friendly and practicing sustainability has become more than an idea, it is a life choice. Families all around the world are doing their best to conserve natural resources and recycle. Companies are changing the way they do business and decreasing pollution and waste. One industry that always seemed behind the times was the restaurant industry. Now all of that is changing.

New Containers for a Better Planet

When you order takeout or take home leftovers from the restaurant, you often receive a Styrofoam container. These containers are not biodegradable and end up in the landfills. When they are burned, they release toxins into the air. They are simply not good for the planet.

To battle that problem many restaurants are changing the types of containers they deliver food in. New biodegradable cardboard containers are being used to do their part in preserving the environment. Many of these containers are made from recycled paper. Not only are they better for the planet, but you can microwave them also, something you can’t do with Styrofoam.

Changing the type of takeout containers is one of the first steps that many restaurants are taking to going green. Other steps include, using paper towels made from recycled paper, using eco-friendly dish soap, switching to hand dryers in the restrooms, even using light bulbs that that use less electricity. These restaurants are devoted to helping the environment.

The Green Restaurant Association

In an effort to help restaurants change their wasteful ways, the Green Restaurant Association was launched.  This non-profit association has only one goal, to help restaurants go green easily and cost-effectively. They offer tips, resources and ideas to restaurants who want to go green but don’t know where to start.

Although the association is geared toward helping restaurants, everyone can find information on green restaurants, such as finding a green restaurant near you. Their website allows you to search for a restaurant in your area based on cuisine. These restaurants are certified by the association. You can also print suggestion cards and give them to your favorite restaurant to convince them to go green.

As the restaurant industry begins joining the eco-friendly business world, sustainability is taking another step. Everyone big and small are trying to do their part to sustain our planet and waste less. Whether you drive less, purchase a hybrid, go paperless, or only order from eco-friendly restaurants, you can help save the environment.

Kenzie Washington is a writter occasionally for, a site she loves finding local Miami Delivery services using their Food Online Order directory.