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The Internet provides an ideal opportunity to people all over the United States and abroad to start their own companies. These companies can be operated from an office in the home, since no physical building is a requirement to do work from home business today. One of the best things about these companies is that they require little to no start up investment and there are lots of software tools available online to assists with ensuring the business is successful. The tools that the small business owner needs can range from website software to virtual web hosting services and more. The tools needed for the online company is based on the type of business that the small business owner chooses to run. Some of the most commonly known and used tools include website templates, ecommerce tools and cloud storage.
Website Templates
Before any small business owner can start an online business they will need to publish a website for their business. For those who can afford to this price, they may want to hire web developer to design a professional website and publish it online for the business. These prices can vary widely based on the developer and their experience. On the other hand, if the new small business owner does not have a budget that includes web development, they will have an option to choose a website template in order to get started.
Website templates are great for those who need to take this option because they can be customized to fit the business. These templates will allow the business owner to include the brand of the business and they can also be tailored to the type of business that they are operating (i.e. selling designer products, vitamins as well as other items that people want or need)
Ecommerce Tools
Operating an ecommerce site has also been made easy, since there is a wide range of different tools available to ecommerce business owners. For instance, the business owners can integrate their sites with the shopping cart. The shopping cart software makes it easy for the business owners to sell different types of products to their customers. With the shopping cart software, the business owner can provide a seamless shopping user experience to their customers. From selecting one or two products to paying with different types of tenders (i.e. credit card, master card, PayPal etc.), the shopping cart is a staple in the ecommerce industry today.

Cloud Storage
Before starting an online company, the new business owner should do their research. If they want to be successful, they will need to be familiar with all of the lingo, terms and phrases that’s being used within this world wide market. For instance, as technology advances, businesses can expand their operations by taking advantage of cloud storage services. With cloud storage services, the new business owner will not have to purchase additional computers to operate the business. Instead, they can make use of storage on a third party provider’s computer. This will save the company money, since they will not have to purchase extra hardware. However, the downside to cloud storage service is security concerns.
Security is a major issue for both small and large companies, even though cloud storage is becoming increasingly popular and more people are embracing it. One of the top concerns is the business will have to store their data offsite (on a third party’s computer) instead of on computers inside their own physical domain. Which means, the business will have to allow others on the outside of their companies to store and maintain sensitive information that they are responsible for protecting.