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Our memory is one thing we never wish to lose. While it’s always a concern, taking a couple of easy steps can really make a huge difference over time. When you are educated about loss of memory and the ways to prevent it, you will put aside many of the fears you may have.

Take care of your body

Make sure you are getting an adequate amount of sleep. Sleep is a factor in both long and short-term memory. If you are tired, you are going to have trouble remembering things. Getting enough sleep every night will keep you remembering everything you need to.

Try increasing the amount of fish oil you get in your diet. If you’re having trouble with your memory, you might need more Omega-3. Consider adding a supplement if you are not getting enough in your food.

Use it or lose it

If you want to maintain reliable memory, use your brain frequently. By playing brain games, you’ll maintain an active brain and keep your memory in excellent condition. Even mixing up your daily routine a little can help keep your mind sharp. You can change the route you take home, or learn a musical instrument. Looking for new ways to engage your mind repeatedly can have very good, positive effects on your memory.

Whenever you’re presented with something new that you want to recall later, mentally form associations between it and things you already know. If your thoughts are like a web, and if each new piece of information is linked to another one piece that you already know, you will have a better time remembering new information.

Another strategy that can boost your memory is to visualize concepts of what you’re trying to remember so that you can memorize it and recall it. If you are trying to memorize information such as lists or charts, visual clues can greatly enhance your memorisation and recall abilities. It can also help to make your own charts to help you remember information. The mind is especially able to recall visual information more than dry text.

When you have to remember something, try coming up with a mnemonic device to help you to retain it. A mnemonic device uses word association in order to aid you in remembering and recalling information. People who have difficulty with names might find this tool especially useful.

Pay attention!

Sometimes your memory isn’t your problem; it’s actually a lack of attention. You may believe that you are listening attentively, but in reality most people find that their mind may be on other things. Really think about what you are hearing or seeing. Think about the subject of your focus and solidify the memory.

Remember, although gaps in memory and general forgetfulness can be very frustrating, you should be able to overcome most of these issues. Putting these pointers to good use will help you strengthen your memory with time. Over time, with some effort, you may find your memory becomes better than it has ever been.

Stuart produces content on behalf of The Health Insurance Group, a UK provider of self employed health insurance plans.