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With summer here and a few heat waves already under our belts, it’s time to wise up and follow some easy tips to stay cool. This heat is a serious matter and unfortunately some people in Austin even lost their lives in the latest heat wave because they weren’t informed on how to treat the severe heat warnings. Ways to beat the heat range from contacting a pool company in Austin to knowing how to properly guard your house from the sun and hot temperatures. With these simple tips, you’ll be prepared for the next Austin heat wave.

Crank the A/C

If you’re lucky enough to have a home equipped with air conditioning units or central air, set your units to 70 degrees. There’s no shame in staying indoors during a heat wave. Use the time to catch up on all those shows you have sitting on your DVR or to finish the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. If your home does not have air, use fans to promote circulation in your home. Use your fans to create an exhaust system in your home by opening doors and using box fans to push the hot air out of your home and bring cooler air in. Also, there’s no shame in plopping yourself directly in front of a fan and enjoying the breeze.

You’re Not Paula Dean

A heat wave is not the time to be whipping up cookies and pies to share with the neighbors. It is key to eliminate all sources of heat in your home and eat some of Austin’s fresh local foods that don’t require an oven to enjoy. Lay off huge, protein packed meals during a heat wave because they elevate body temperatures. Stick to refreshing, non-alcoholic drinks and foods.

Slap on Your Swimmies

A great and fun way to get a break from the heat is to find a local watering hole to soak in. There are many great community spots that offer free swimming and it’s also a way to entertain the kids for an afternoon. If you have an older pool that needs repair, get in touch with some Austin pool companies to fix the leaks. Once the repairs are made, invite your friends and family over for a BBQ. Let them know to bring their swim trunks as your pool is back up and running. Unfortunately, drowning deaths have been on the rise this summer due to inexperienced swimmers entering pools to cool off. Be smart and stick to the shallow end if swimming is not your sport.

Remember Mildred, Fido, & Whiskers

During a heat wave it is always important to keep an extra eye on the elderly and pets. Make sure that elderly relatives and neighbors are aware of what they can do to stay cool and check on them to make sure they’re doing the right things. For your pets, you can give them a cool bath or shorter haircut to reduce their body temperatures. Placing a cool, damp towel or rag around their neck will also give them relief during the record high temperatures.

Heat waves are no joke and as we know, can last for several days. Put a plan in place for what you’re going to do during the next one so you’re prepared.

Jeana Olchowy is a part of an elite team of writers who have contributed to hundreds of blogs and news sites.