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Applying for Social Security disability can be stressful. First, the application takes a long time to complete, and then you have to wait for a response. If your claim is denied, you then have to spend additional time and effort appealing the decision, which could end up being costly.

There are quite a few Social Security disability mistakes that people make that result in either delayed applications or denied applications, which can mean headaches and hassles. Some of these mistakes are very easily avoidable, and it will make the likelihood of having your Social Security disability claim being accepted even higher. If you’re planning on applying for Social Security disability soon, check out these common mistakes that people make and make sure you don’t make them!

Filing Without a Lawyer

One of the most common mistakes that people who file for Social Security disability make is filing without a lawyer. Hiring disability attorneys to help win your case is often the difference between not having to file an appeal and months of difficult appeals. Many people think they can’t afford to hire a disability attorney to fight their case because they’re unemployed, but many disability lawyers won’t accept payment until after you win your disability claim.

Failing to Fully Prepare for Your Claim

Preparing for your Social Security disability claim takes a lot of time, effort, and sometimes money, but failing to fully prepare means the chances of you losing your case rise much higher. In most cases, filing with a lawyer will ensure that your case is fully prepared, but if you don’t want to go with a lawyer you need to be absolutely sure that you’ve got everything prepared.

Keep track of everything that you need to apply for your case, including medical records, medical appointments, doctor’s information, and a ton of other types of paperwork. Having all of that organized and prepared for your case means the chances that you’ll win the case are much, much higher.

Filing a New Claim Rather than Appealing

It’s a fact that up to 70% of new Social Security disability claims are rejected. Many people opt to file a new claim rather than appeal the claim that was denied, which is a big mistake. It’s much more of a hassle to apply for a new claim than appeal a denied claim, and you have up to 60 days from the date of your denial letter to apply.

You can appeal your claim on the phone, in person, or by letter. Don’t apply for a new claim, because chances are it will be denied too. Instead, have your disability lawyer appeal your claim.

Just Giving Up

It may seem odd, but many Social Security disability applicants fail to win their claim because they just give up and drop their claim in the first place. They may feel like all this work is for nothing, and that they have no chance of winning their claim.

If that’s you, don’t give up. If you feel like it’s too much of a hassle, then hire a disability lawyer to help you. It can seem daunting to navigate through the world of Social Security disability, but if you have the support it’s very doable.