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Fall brings lots of different allergies, skin and ear mites as well as other potential pest. These pests may cause problems for your dog making them very sick and uncomfortable.

Below you will find some signs and symptoms you can watch for throughout the year that will give you peace of mind and make you dog is more comfortable as well.

  1. Some of the symptoms to look for in your dog when they act lethargic are, brown ear discharge, which means your dog may have an ear mite infestation.
  2. Irritated skin and scratching, is often a sign of allergies or parasites.
  3. When your dog’s eyes seem to water a lot it is often a sign of, ingrown eyelashes or allergies.
  4. Head shacking can be a sign of an ear infection or mite infestation.
  5. An increase in drinking may mean a number of things some of which are diabetes, kidney disease, or liver disease.
  6. Frequent urination, may mean your dog has kidney stones.
  7. Less frequent bowel movement, partial bowel blockage, constipation and loss of appetite.
  8. Diarrhea, may be caused by something your dog may have eaten while outdoors, a change in their daily diet, stress due to heat, dog flu, Parvo virus or Corona virus.
  9. Coughing may be caused by an allergy, kennel cough, heartworms, heart disease, windpipe blockage or pneumonia.
  10. Lumps under the skin, may be a sign of ticks, mites, cysts, tumors or ulcerations.
  11. Lameness may be caused due to an injury, dogs will appear lame when they have hip or elbow dysplasia as well.
  12. Loss of appetite may be caused to a diet change or an illness.
  13. Pale gums or tongue, may be due to shock, this can take place when your dog has been left out in the heat or in a car without ample shade and water.
  14. Panting can be a sign of, dehydration, overheating, respiratory infection or heartworms infecting the heart and lungs.
  15. When your dog seems to have a pot belly, it could be, they are overweight or have a worm infestation.
  16. Vomiting is a sign, that your dog may have eaten something which has made them ill or algae poisoning, dog flu, gastrointestinal disorder or worms.
  17. If your dog’s temperature goes up over 102 degrees, it may mean they have a viral or bacterial infection, dehydration or heat stroke.

When your dog shows signs of obvious distress for more than 24 hours or if you think your dog may have had a stroke you need to get them to the vet immediately.  If there is a chance your dog could have gotten into something poison, call the vet and follow their instructions as to what you should do before bringing the dog to see them.

Susan Wright DMV is a vet, a dog expert and freelance writer. Susan shares articles on health conditions as they relate to dogs to help dog owners learn how to properly care for their pets.