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Everyone puts their foot in their mouth once in a while, but a first date isn’t the best time to say something you’ll regret later. A first date is the only chance you’ll have to leave a winning first impression and hopefully secure a second date.

Here are the top three things you should never say on a first date.

1. “I can’t wait to get married!” There is nothing wrong with wanting to be married, but when you say it on a first date, you immediately seem like a husband or wife hunter. It will set off a red flag with your date, because he will wonder if you genuinely want to get to know them or are just crossing things off your list on the way to the altar. If your date is commitment shy, talking about your dream wedding dress will send him running from the hills. Looking too far into the future isn’t necessary on a first date, you barely know if you’ll talk to them tomorrow, let alone if you want to spend forever with them!

2. “Every guy I meet is such a jerk.” Dating is difficult sometimes, and not every guy you date is going to be your perfect match. Complaining about your bad luck in the love department reflects poorly on you though, because it makes you seem like a victim who is stuck in the past. There is nothing attractive about a woman who feels sorry for herself and then goes out and repeats the same pattern, taking no responsibility for the way her love life is going. Plus, if you’re on a first date with a guy he most definitely does not want to hear about other dates you’ve been on, so don’t mention them at all. Keep the focus on the person you’re out with in that moment.

3. “How much money do you make?” Even if you’re just curious and trying to make conversation, avoid this question like the plague. No matter what, you will come off like you only care about money and it’s near next to impossible to recover from that kind of bad first impression. Talk of finances shouldn’t be on the table on the first date-if things get serious, you’ll learn all you need to know about your dates bank account. But right now, if he’s taking you out for dinner or drinks, that is all you need to know!

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