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A child custody battle can be one of the most difficult things you will go through in a lifetime. Unfortunately, there are many things that can complicate the matter even further and thus threaten your relationship with your children, and in the worst cases, threaten your children’s safety. In these types of situations, you may have to resort to hiring a professional to survey the other custodial parent. Be wary of these signs that it’s time to hire a private eye.

Mistreatment of children. If the other parent is mistreating your children, then it is without a doubt in their best interest to remove them from the situation. There are many forms of child mistreatment. They include things like physical, verbal, sexual, and emotional abuse, and neglect. The tough thing about proving mistreatment is that it is often hidden; therefore, it might be necessary to hire a private investigator to uncover what goes on behind closed doors.

Inhospitable housing. It may be that the other parent is loving and nurturing–not at all prone to the abuse or neglect listed above–but, rather, the living situation the parent provides for your children is subpar. Again, this can mean a number of things, but in legal terms, children should be housed in a place with electricity, running water, and food. Just keep in mind that what may seem inhospitable to you (dirty floors, for example) may not stack up to a relevant claim in court. Therefore, you should consult with your attorney to be sure that you are hiring a private investigator for the right reasons.

Dangerous living conditions. If you feel that your children are exposed to unnecessary dangers in their living situation, then you may need to find an investigator now  to document the dangers. These may include things like violent/aggressive animals, fire hazards, hoarding, weapons, drug use, and a lack of ample security (no guard rails on a third floor balcony, for example).

You have no witnesses. In some very unfortunately situations, things like abuse, neglect, inhospitable housing, and dangerous living conditions are well known within the family circle, but those family members who know are unwilling to come forward in court to testify. If this is the case and you know you can’t rely on the honest testimony of those who could help your children, then you may need the services of a private eye.

A child custody case can be a nightmare if you feel that your children aren’t receiving the treatment they deserve. Fortunately, your hands are not tied. You can take control of the situation, and in a legal way, by hiring a private eye. Just be sure to consult with your attorney, first, as the person you hire should be well informed of the complexities of the case, in order to serve it best.