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Keeping your boiler maintained will help reduce the need for boiler repairs and help it run more efficiently. While you should have it inspected and serviced by a professional on an annual basis, there are some things you can do to help keep your boiler in good working order. These tips will help save money on repairs and on your energy bills.

Inspect For Leaks

A leaky oil tank not only wastes money because even cheap home heating oil in Northern Ireland is expensive, but heating oil is also toxic and can pollute the groundwater and kill animals. It is illegal to cause pollution. To spot a problem as soon as possible, you should inspect your oil tank regularly to check for damage, such as scratches, dents, bulges, rust, and cracks. If your tank is damaged, check for leaking oil by closely examining the tank or checking beneath it for oil residue.

DIY Maintenance Tips For An Oil-Fired Boiler

In addition to the tank, inspect all the pipe connections and valves for evidence of oil leaks as well. If you find a leak, contact a technician to repair or replace your tank. If the leak is significant, you may need to call the local office of the Environment Agency to notify them of the problem and to get it cleaned up properly.

Turn On During Summer

If you don’t use your boiler during the summer, you should still turn it on at least once a month to keep it from sticking. Letting it run for a few minutes every month during the summer will help keep the boiler in good working order. When it comes time to switch it on as the weather cools off, you won’t have to worry about your boiler not working if you use this tip.

Check Chimney And Vents

As boilers produce carbon monoxide, it is important for them to be vented correctly so this deadly gas does not build up in your home. Check all of the vents, the flue, and the chimney for cracks and holes that could allow carbon monoxide to leak into your house. Check the combustion chamber as well, because it can leak carbon monoxide too. If you spot any problems, call immediately for a professional repair technician to repair the problem. In addition, use carbon monoxide monitors in your home to help alert you to any build-up of this gas in your home.

Check The Blower

Inspect the blower of the boiler for signs of rust or sediment and clean it on a regular basis to keep dirt from building up on it. If you do spot rust or sediment, take the time to clean the blower thoroughly.

The technician who inspects your boiler every year should also change the filter and perform other maintenance that will help keep it running smoothly throughout the cooler months of fall and the freezing temperatures of winter. However, you still need to do your part to check for leaks and to make sure the boiler is safe to use.