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Staying hydrated, especially for children, is crucial when it comes to digesting food, regulating the body’s temperature, and excreting waste. To keep your child healthy and hydrated you need to make sure they are replacing any water they lose due to sweating, urinating, and even breathing. Children forget to drink enough fluids so it is important that you encourage them to do so throughout the year.

How Smart Parents Keep Kids Hydrated and Healthy All Year Long

Spring Activities

Once the weather becomes warmer, kids spend more time outdoors having fun. This can interrupt their normal routine. Encourage them to drink plenty of water before, during, and after outside play time. If they are reluctant to drink water, experiment with the beverage’s temperature. Some kids prefer room temperature water while others may want ice added to it.

Staying Hydrated in the Summer Heat

The increasing heat of the summer months makes it even more challenging to keep children hydrated. Never let them leave the house without a frozen bottle of water in hand. Those playing sports in these hot conditions will need additional hydration. Pack a cooler filled with drinks to take to games and practice.

Residential Treatment Systems

Pack water with their lunch each day when they head back to school, and offer more water when they get home. Rely on bottled water while at school and water from your residential treatment system when at home. Some companies, like Olympic Springs Bottled Water, realize that there are several treatment solutions available that can be installed in your home. Whole house systems include water softeners, UV microbiological systems, and whole-house filters for better tasting water without chlorine, particulates, or odor.

Encourage Hydration All Year Long

Children tend to drink even less water during the winter months. The long days spent indoors doesn’t make them as thirsty as summer activities do. Be sure to offer water with all of their meals and snacks. Encourage them to drink it even if they say they don’t like it. Use lemon or orange slices to add a bit of flavor or allow them to use a special cup in order to make it more of a treat. Above all else, set a good example by drinking plenty of water yourself.

Encouraging your children to drink water along with their milk, sweetened beverages, and juice throughout the year will keep them healthy and hydrated. Be creative when serving plain water, and let them see that you are drinking plenty of healthy fluids each day as well.