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Getting into a car crash is often a life-changing event, and you’re going to have to put in a lot of time and effort to make sure that you receive a settlement that will cover all your costs and damages that result from the accident. That’s what your insurance policy is there for, but to receive the full insurance benefits to which you are entitled, you’ll have to do some homework. Follow these five insurance letter tips to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

How To Write A Great Letter For An Accident Insurance Claim

1. Keep Your Demand Letter Short and To-The-Point

First of all, avoid the temptation to use your demand letter as a way of venting all your frustrations and emotions. That’s a distraction at best, and it just won’t help your situation. Instead, keep your letter short and objective. Include only the necessary details and avoid dragging on and on with things that will have no bearing on the insurance company’s settlement determination.

2. Focus on Facts and Numbers and Include Documentation

Your insurance company just wants the facts, so that it can make an objective decision about your auto accident settlement. Focus your letter on the facts, and make sure that any arguments you make are based on the facts.

You will need to include documents that back up your arguments and demands. Include invoices from mechanic, body shop and paint shop, along with any medical bills and estimates. Be sure to include long term expenses for continuing medical care if necessary, and also include loss of wages for all involved in your party. You’ll also need to keep copies of everything for your own records.

3. Look over Some Sample Demand Letters for Ideas

There are many sample demand letters that can give you ideas to cover different types of situations in an auto accident. There are samples to cover personal injuries to yourself, sample letters written on behalf of a minor, and also sample letters that address insufficient insurance settlements that will require a review and adjustment.

4. Include a Disclaimer

It’s understandable that you’re shaken up from the accident and that this intrusion into your life is causing some major inconveniences in your everyday life. You might be in a hurry to get through this as quickly as possible and get on with your life. But don’t be in such a hurry that you overlook medical complications that may arise later on.

When writing your demand letter, be sure to include a disclaimer that states that the demands for compensation are for settlement purposes only, and do not exclude you from filing for personal injury damages that may later arise following the accident. This disclaimer can protect you in case you end up needing to file a lawsuit against the liable party for medical expenses that end up being a direct result of the accident.

5. Hire an Auto Accident Attorney for Complicated Cases

While most auto accidents are very straightforward and simple to deal with, some situations might be more complicated, such as accidents involving injuries, deaths or damage to property. Accidents involving commercial vehicles can also add further complications into the mix. So if you feel that your situation is a bit much for you to handle, then don’t hesitate to call in a car or truck accident lawyer like James Munafo & Associates PC to assist you in writing a letter to your insurance company to make sure that you receive the full amount of compensation that is available to you.

Auto accidents can cause a lot of stress and damage in your life, but by following these insurance tips you can hopefully lessen the load and receive all the compensation to which you are entitled through your insurance policy.