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After your vehicle is involved in an accident, the repair job starts by repairing the car structurally so that any repairs that need to be done will be done on the body before the paint job is done. It is best to get the repair shop to detail all the work that needs to be done. This should be done in writing so that you can be able to cross check if all the repairs were done.

Damage Assessment

The repairs should be done in such a way that you vehicle looks and functions just as it did or close enough to that. The assessment done to determine the amount of damage done has to be done thoroughly to detail all the repairs that must be done. If the damage is underneath the body f the car, the necessary panel must be removed and the car checked under.

Once the repair person has determined the damage and repairs needed, you will get an estimate of the repair job. If the car has been damaged extensively, then the repair company will use a measuring system that will ensure that the repair job done on your car will be according to the vehicle manufacturer’s dimensions. This will ensure that it runs and looks as it did before the accident. This depends on the kind of parts that will be used to repair your vehicle. The most expensive are OEM parts which are manufactured by the maker of your vehicle, there are new parts that are manufactured by a licensed manufacturer who is not the maker of your vehicle and there are used parts from an automotive recycler. You will make a decision based on the benefits and disadvantages of each option.

Paint Job

When the car has been repaired within the recommended tolerances according to the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications, the repaired sections will then be sanded. This is to create an even surface. Primer and products that will protect the car from corrosion and rust are also applied after sanding. After these products have dried the car will then be painted. The paint must match the rest of the car and this often requires that the painter blends different colors to be able to get the exact shade that matches the rest of your car. This is done by professionals who know how to create the colors that are needed.

Once the color is prepared, the car will be painted in a special spray booth so that the car is free from dust and other particles. This results in a smooth look that is free of bubbles and will not be uneven. The color may not match the original color exactly but it should be close enough so that in the sunlight, it is not obvious that the car is in two different shades. The car is then reassembled, broken glass is replaced, wheel alignment is checked and any parts such as doors are working well and they are opening and closing well. The car will then be cleaned inside out so that it looks good.

No matter how careful we drive and park our car, somehow we always discover minor scratches and marks. Some car owners use different car paint protection services or coatings to protect paint. If you find scratches and marks on your car often, it could be time to consider some of these services.