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With millions of cell phone users in the US alone, it is an apparent opportunity for businesses to reach customers no matter where they are. Since the creation of SMS messaging, marketers and advertisers have used the technology to reach customers even when they weren’t home. Now services allow smaller businesses the same feature for sending advertisements and coupons for their customers to use. If your company can benefit from mobile coupon offers, here are a few things you may want to consider.


Advertise, Don’t Spam:

One of the biggest complaints in the past was the use of SMS and text messaging by spammers. Advertisements would automatically be sent to a range of phone numbers in a mass text messaging procedures. This was an annoyance for many mobile users, especially those who pay per text.

If you are considering using mobile coupons to reach your customers or clients, be sure they are welcomed. Send these advertisements to your existing customer base only if they have opted to be included in the queue. If you send your advertisements to a customer who isn’t willing to receive it, you run the risk of losing that customer.


Don’t Flood Their Inbox:

As a business owner, your success is determined by the amount of customers you can bring in through your advertising and marketing strategies. If you have existing customers who are willing to receive mobile discounts and advertisements from you, be sure you don’t flood them. Sending too many coupons or deals can turn your customer off from you company altogether. Try spacing out the advertisements and offer them in small doses.


Make it Transferable:

Even though you are sending your promotion to existing customers, the purpose is to bring in business. By making the promotion transferrable, your customer can pass it off to another person if your customer is unable to take advantage of your deal at that time.

This will offer the chance of bringing in new business and increasing your clientele. Another popular method is offering a referral discount along with the promotion. This creates more of an incentive for your existing customer to send a new customer your way.


Include an Expiration Date:

If you are offering a discount, you will need to include an expiration date. Be reasonable when choosing the date. Setting a timeframe of only a couple of days doesn’t give your customer the chance to come in and take advantage of the discount. However, you also don’t want your customer coming in a year later when inflation has raised the cost of product you are offering.


Make it Exclusive:

Everyone enjoys feeling special, especially your loyal customers. By making your mobile discounts exclusive to only them, you are offering a sense of exclusivity that might be enough to bring them in. Like being on the list of a nightclub, your customers will feel like a VIP.

Mobile discounts and coupons are a great way to offer your loyal customers a little something in return for their business, as well as help you bring in more sales. If implemented properly it can be a strong addition to your current marketing plan. Get the go-ahead from your customers to include their phone numbers in your mobile promotions before sending them out and you may see them coming back sooner than you thought.

UK resident Mary Blanchard, a mother of three, understands the importance of cutting corners wherever she can. She loves online deals and finds a good gateway to discounts.