What do you do between rehearsals and studio recordings? That’s right, you need to invest your time into effective promotion of your band. You need to perform live, organize gigs, go on tours and much more. These two different kinds of activities will keep you and your band busy. Even if you have a gig at some famous bar or a club, you cannot expect the booking agent to reach out to all of your fans. You need to actively engage with your audience in order to draw them to your next performance. How can you do that?

The Bliss of the Internet
The internet gives you a lot of communication tools. You only need to know how to use them. You can promote your music online while being at home in your pajamas. It is obvious that people won’t listen and interact with you unless they want to. That’s why your task is to create unusual and catchy content that everyone would want to share and listen to. I bet you already have a Facebook page and a Twitter account where you post some news about your band. Don’t forget to connect with other bands and artists, concert venues and promoters. These connections will help you in expanding your audience.
Active Promotion
Flyering is a great way to spread the word about your upcoming performance. You may think that it’s a bit outdated, yet it can make miracles. Print out some posters with your band name and details of the show and put them in crowded places. Eye catching designs and colors will attract more attention than dull black and white images. Big printed posters are a great way to draw people’s attention.
I am sure you know your target audience, that’s why you need to aim at the places where your kind of people would see your flyers. Place flyers in your favorite coffee house, café, library or any other place where you might find your friends hanging out.
Use Radio
Many people still listen to the radio in their cars or at home to discover new music. It is difficult to promote your music through a mainstream radio station unless you have the right connections. Otherwise you can reach out to smaller independent radio stations that would be happy to play some music from local bands. Internet radio is another great source of promotion.
Face to Face
Engaging your audience in the real time is the best way to keep people interested in what you do. As a new band it is difficult to establish your fan base, however, you will be surprised by the interest from people you least expected to like your music. Don’t be afraid to promote your band among your friends and the people you’ve just met. Spreading the word always works for your advantage.
You need to combine all the mentioned elements to attract people to your performance. A successful use of promotional techniques will guarantee a large turnout during the show. Promotion requires a lot of effort and dedication. Don’t be disappointed if the attendance level is low, you need to experiment with the promotional tools and see what works best for you.