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Travelling with little ones can be a bit of nightmare. For me, hopping on a plane, sticking in my ear phones and starting a good book whilst I travel is my idea of bliss. Just try telling that to your little monsters however. There will be tears, there will be tantrums and most of all, there might just be a pair of very stressed out parents by the time you land. But fear not! Travelling with kiddies doesn’t have to be a nightmare; there are plenty of ways to keep them occupied throughout your holiday, it just takes a little preparation.

Remember the essentials
As all mums and dads will know, gone are the days of a simple overnight bag, when you’re taking your kids you will need a little more than just a change of clothes and your toothbrush! Be sure to pack the holiday essentials such as sun screen, a sun hat and a small first aid kit with things like antihistamine and sticking plasters etc. (although you should be able to pick all of these up either at the airport or when you reach your destination).

Provide the entertainment
Kids hate waiting, sitting, and standing, all of which are unavoidable in an airport or busy train station. The best way to combat this is by packing a host of games, children’s magazines and toys. If you have an iPad or even better, a portable DVD player, those are great too, since you can choose a couple of movies from their collection at home and you might just get some peace and quiet for an hour or two! Most airports have a newsagent or bookstore so colouring books and crayons are never far away if this fails to please.

Make a plan
Once you arrive, things can get expensive if you don’t have a plan. By the time you buy four lunches, four bus fares, four museum day tickets and four ice lollies you can end up spending a small fortune. Before you go, buy a travel guide from your nearest book shop and plan out both adult friendly and child friendly things to do and see, and try to visit museums, galleries and other grown up sights in the morning when boredom levels are low. The little ones are likely to be less fed up at this time, having only been awake for a few hours they’ll be too sleepy to complain. It’s also a good idea to pack a few snacks like cereal bars or fruit to keep them going throughout the day.

Get covered
Don’t forget to purchase single trip family travel insurance for the duration of your journey. This should cover any potential issues you should face; such as losing your bags, your flight being cancelled, any of your things getting stolen or if one of you gets sick or is involved in an accident. Be sure to use a price comparison site to get the best deal, sometimes this is the best way to make sure you are fully covered in the event of an emergency whilst staying within your budget.

Catherine Halsey writes for a digital marketing agency on a range of subjects. This article was written on behelf of Boots Insurance.