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Getting a good’s night sleep is not just a matter of staying awake until the body signals a need for rest. Inferior mattresses, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise can all contribute to tossing and turning.

Individuals who suffer from sleep disorders or who experience pain in the back or legs after getting up in the morning may benefit from the following tips and suggestions. Getting a solid eight hours of rest each and every night is essential for good health. Those who sleep comfortably are more efficient at work the next day and generally present a more positive attitude.

Choose A Comfortable Mattress

Many people lose sleep merely because their body does not react well to the texture and feel of a particular mattress. This is especially true among those individuals above the age of 40. A mattress that is too firm may cause the body to react negatively during sleep, resulting in sore muscles and back pain in the morning.

Modern mattresses constructed with memory foam as the primary filler allow the body to rest in a natural position without putting a strain on muscles, joints, or the nervous system. Using the correct pillow is also important. Most people sleep poorly if their head is too high or if the neck is bent severely. Inquiring wit a doctor about sleep problems is a good idea before making the decision to purchase a new mattress.

Avoid Heavy Meals At Bedtime

The first stages of digestion take the most energy, especially if the foods contain a high amount of fat or carbohydrates. Eating a large dinner just before bedtime should be avoided, and sugary desserts are best eaten at least four hours before sleep. Eating at the same time each day will also help individuals to rest more comfortably.

Alcohol will also keep the body from developing a natural sleep rhythm. Excessive water intake in the evening means putting extra pressure on the bladder and excretory system, resulting in lighter sleep and frequent awakenings.

Develop A Regular Schedule

It is advisable to construct a daily schedule that includes the actual hour of naps and bedtime. Those who retire for the night at the same hour are generally rewarded with a better night’s sleep. The body has an internal clock that actually gets used to a certain routine, and the hours in which one sleeps is recorded by the brain.

Melatonin is a natural hormone that helps the brain recognize when it’s time for rest and recuperation. The production of melatonin is controlled by the exposure to light. Those who work during the day are encouraged to allow more light into the eyes early in the morning and keep lights dimmer in the evening hours.

Start An Exercise Routine

Exercising at the same time of day will help the body’s internal clock function more regularly. The exercise itself is not intended to tire the individual, but rather to stimulate the need for refreshment and energy.

An exercise routine also helps to organize other activities throughout the day. A trip to the gym will necessitate further organization for shopping and running errands, and this actually helps the body regulate its sleep schedule.

Make The Bedroom An Inviting Place

Sleep should be a requirement, not an objective. The mind will feel more like transmitting its desire for sleep if the environment is a comfortable one. Keeping bedroom lights off and avoiding use of the bed as a piece of furniture will help the brain to recognize the place where sleep occurs and mentally prepare to settle in for a restful night of sleep.

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